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Microsoft 365 Apps for Business

Microsoft 365 Apps for Business

定價 $7.01 USD
定價 $8.25 USD 售價 $7.01 USD
特價 售罄


Microsoft 365 Apps for Business is perfect for the small or medium-sized business that needs basic Office Applications, access for multiple employees, and shared file storage. This subscription is a great solution for companies that have varying productivity, marketing, and organizational requirements.

Included in this Subscription:

Microsoft 365 Apps for Business includes the fully installed standard suite of Office Applications and 1TB of storage, with the following desktop, online, and mobile Applications:

  • Outlook – manage email, calendar, contacts, and tasks in one place
  • Word – create professional text documents
  • Excel – build spreadsheets, budgets, and graphs
  • PowerPoint – create eye-catching presentations
  • Publisher (desktop only) – create beautifully designed documents with unique layouts
  • Access (desktop only) – store, analyze, and track information with this database tool
  • Sway – create interactive reports and presentations with this digital storytelling tool
  • OneDrive – store 1TB of files securely on the Cloud

Office Apps Included

Microsoft Access Microsoft Excel Microsoft Outlook Microsoft Powerpoint Microsoft Publisher Microsoft Word
Included Services
Microsoft OneDrive

Greater Accessibility for your Entire Team

Microsoft 365 Apps for Business meets the needs of a multi-functional workforce that collaborates on files from both the office and home

  • Access documents and stored files anywhere, anytime – Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneDrive storage are available on the Cloud whenever* you need them. That means a document created at your office today can be worked on from home tomorrow.
  • Use one license for multiple devices – This license allows its one user to install the Apps on up to 5 computers (desktop or portable), 5 tablets, and 5 phones (including Windows, Apple, and Android devices).
  • Remain productive by working seamlessly on files – Saving files on the Cloud allows you to access and work on the most up-to-date version without having to send attachments via email or transfer files on USB sticks.
  • Enable multiple users to collaborate on shared files – Teams can work on the same document simultaneously with real-time coauthoring capabilities.
  • Safely share files externally – Cloud storage allows you to control access to files that are shared with parties outside of your organization.

Simplified Security

Microsoft 365 Apps for Business makes it easy to secure and manage your sensitive business and/or customer information.

  • Manage access to information – Administrators can create security groups and custom permissions on all devices to control who can access sensitive company files.
  • Enjoy peace of mind with enterprise-grade security – Microsoft uses five layers of security to keep your data safe.
  • Protect your business and employee data – Password policies that require users to reset their passwords after a certain number of days help prevent malicious cyber-attacks.

Uncomplicated Administration

Microsoft 365 Apps for Business has a well-designed dashboard that business owners or IT managers can use to control all of the Microsoft Applications and services.

  • Manage users easily – A simple administrative panel allows you to add and delete users as needed.
  • Avoid manual work with automatic
  • Application updates – Applications automatically update every month with new features and capabilities.

Benefits Provided Only by Ataira

  • Extra savings when purchased in bulk
  • Complimentary basic support for setup, troubleshooting, and managing the administrative end of the Cloud component (i.e., adding users, configuring settings, etc.)
  • Free online training for your employees on the Applications and Cloud storage service

*Microsoft guarantees uptime (online availability) 99.9% of the time



Microsoft 365 商務版應用程式非常適合需要基本 Office 應用程式、允許多名員工訪問以及共享文件存儲的小型或中型企業。這項訂閱是應對各種生產力、市場行銷及組織需求的理想解決方案。


Microsoft 365 商務版應用程式包含完整安裝的標準 Office 應用程式套件和 1TB 的存儲,以下是可用的桌面、線上和移動應用程式:

  • Outlook – 一處管理電子郵件、日曆、聯絡人及任務
  • Word – 創建專業的文本文件
  • Excel – 製作電子表格、預算表及圖表
  • PowerPoint – 創建引人注目的簡報
  • Publisher(僅限桌面版) – 使用獨特的版面設計來創建精美的文件
  • Access(僅限桌面版) – 使用這個數據庫工具來存儲、分析和追蹤信息
  • Sway – 使用這個數字敘事工具來創建互動報告和簡報
  • OneDrive – 在雲端中安全地存儲 1TB 的文件



Microsoft 365 商務版應用程式滿足了跨職能團隊在辦公室和家中協作文件的需求。

  • 隨時隨地訪問文件和存儲的檔案 – Microsoft Word、Excel、PowerPoint 和 OneDrive 存儲可隨時在雲端訪問。這意味著今天在辦公室創建的文件明天可以在家中繼續編輯。
  • 一個許可證適用於多台設備 – 這個許可證允許一名用戶在最多 5 台電腦(桌面或便攜)、5 台平板電腦和 5 部手機(包括 Windows、Apple 和 Android 設備)上安裝應用程式。
  • 保持生產力,無縫處理文件 – 在雲端保存文件允許您訪問並處理最新版本,而無需通過電子郵件發送附件或使用 USB 進行文件傳輸。
  • 使多名用戶能夠協作處理共享文件 – 團隊可以同時在同一文件上工作,並利用實時共同創作功能。
  • 安全地外部共享文件 – 雲端存儲允許您控制與外部共享的文件的訪問權限。


Microsoft 365 商務版應用程式讓保護和管理您的敏感業務和/或客戶信息變得簡單。

  • 管理信息訪問 – 管理員可以在所有設備上創建安全組和自訂權限,以控制誰可以訪問敏感的公司文件。
  • 享受企業級安全的安心 – 微軟採用五層安全措施來保護您的數據。
  • 保護您的業務和員工數據 – 密碼策略要求用戶在特定天數後重設密碼,以防止惡意的網絡攻擊。


Microsoft 365 商務版應用程式擁有精心設計的儀表板,企業主或 IT 管理員可以用來控制所有 Microsoft 應用程式和服務。

  • 輕鬆管理用戶 – 簡單的管理面板允許您根據需要添加和刪除用戶。
  • 避免手動工作,自動應用程式更新 – 應用程式每月自動更新,提供新功能和功能。

Ataira 專屬福利

  • 大量購買時可享額外折扣
  • 免費提供基本支持,協助設置、故障排除和管理雲端組件的管理端(例如,添加用戶、配置設置等)
  • 免費提供在線培訓,幫助您的員工了解應用程式和雲端存儲服務

*微軟保證上線時間(在線可用性)達 99.9%
