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Microsoft 365 Apps for Enterprise

Microsoft 365 Apps for Enterprise

定價 $10.20 USD
定價 $12.00 USD 售價 $10.20 USD
特價 售罄

描述 / Description


Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise is a suite of productivity tools offered by Microsoft designed to enhance collaboration and efficiency within organizations. This suite includes a variety of popular office applications, such as:

  1. Word: A word processing tool used for creating, editing, and formatting documents.
  2. Excel: A spreadsheet application suitable for data analysis, financial modeling, and chart creation.
  3. PowerPoint: A presentation tool used to create dynamic slideshows, complete with multimedia and animation effects.
  4. Outlook: An email and calendar management tool that facilitates communication and time management within the enterprise.
  5. OneNote: A note-taking app that allows users to integrate text, hand-written notes, and images.
  6. Access: A database management tool for creating and managing small databases (available only for PC).
  7. Publisher: A desktop publishing application for designing brochures, posters, and other publications (available only for PC).

Additionally, Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise includes powerful cloud services like OneDrive and SharePoint to support file storage and sharing, making collaboration easier for teams. Subscribers benefit from automatic updates, ensuring they always have access to the latest versions of the applications. Overall, this suite is designed to provide organizations with a flexible and efficient work environment that fosters collaboration and productivity.



Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise 係微軟提供的一套生產力工具,旨在提升企業內部嘅協作同埋工作效率。呢套件包括咗多種常用嘅辦公應用,例如:

1. Word:一個文字處理工具,用嚟創建、編輯同埋格式化文檔。
2. Excel:一個電子表格應用,適合用於數據分析、財務建模同埋圖表製作。
3. PowerPoint:用嚟製作演示文稿嘅工具,支持多媒體同埋動畫效果。
4. Outlook:一個電子郵件同埋日曆管理工具,方便企業溝通同埋時間管理。
5. OneNote:一個筆記應用,支持文本、手寫同埋圖像嘅集成記錄。
6. Access:一個數據庫管理工具,用嚟創建同埋管理小型數據庫(只適用於PC版)。
7. Publisher:一個桌面出版工具,適合設計簡報、海報同埋其他出版物(只適用於PC版)。

此外,Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise 仲包含咗強大嘅雲服務,例如 OneDrive 同埋 SharePoint,以支持文件儲存同埋共享,方便團隊協作。訂閱用戶可以享受到自動更新,確保佢哋始終使用最新版本嘅應用。整體而言,呢個套件係為企業提供一個更靈活、高效嘅辦公方式,促進團隊之間嘅協作同埋生產力。

Microsoft OneDrive
